About Us


  • To share faith, hope and love to bring:

  • Healing to the Brokenhearted, including people who are suffering through, the death of a loved one or a broken marriage or relationship.

  • Freedom to people who are suffering through something that has happened to them through no fault of their own e.g. abuse as a child, loss of health or finances etc.

  • Release from darkness to people imprisoned through a bad decision e.g. all forms of addiction, incarceration etc.

  • Understanding to people asking the big questions of life e.g. what is the purpose of my life, what happens when I die etc.



As with Joseph in the Old Testament, to see hundreds of millions of people around the world released, envisioned, empowered and equipped to turn what Satan intended for evil in their lives, into something that will help and rescue millions of others.



  • We will reach hundreds of millions of suffering people around the world through the internet and social media.

  • We will use the unbelievable story of suffering that God has placed in our hands to connect with people who are suffering all around the world. Empathy can only be given if you’ve trodden the same road. People listen and receive from us because of our story.

  • We will pass on the love, comfort and hope that God has given us, to bring love, comfort and hope to others. Because people listen to us, we have a unique opportunity to share God’s love and compassion with them and to introduce them to Jesus Christ.

  • We will use multiple products and channels to communicate our message including, videos, books, films, devotionals, television, conferences, speaking engagements, etc.